So I guess it's my turn to excite you all with my very intense life...... Oh, wait my life isn't that exciting! I go to school and that seems to be my life!
I am hoping to finally graduate in June! And right now I hold the record for the longest attending Esthetics student in the history of Fran Brown!! :) Good times!! I love what I'm sudying! It's always nice to make people feel beautiful without changing who they are! And an added bonus is all the work I get to do on myself! :) I'm trying to get done before all my family comes in July!! Then I can spend all my time with the babies! ( and yes Alex and Alexis are still my babies even though they are practically taller than me!)
Lately, I have been hanging out with friends a lot and meeting a lot of really cute guys. Unfortunately, they are not what I'm looking for. But no worries! I will not give up! I haven't quite dated everyone in Utah yet so the search continues! And I get to spend a lot of time with Jonny! He's funny!
Well, that should do for right now! :)